
We love to solve problems to make the world a better place. With sustainable innovation for the future.

We would love to hear about your challenges and together come up with the solution

Sustainable innovation

Solving problems for a better world

PortBin is dedicated to providing innovative solutions for maritime waste management to ports, authorities, cities, and businesses. We are committed to contributing to solving global challenges related to the ocean by focusing on innovation.

Our goal is to work collaboratively to ensure a sustainable environment for future generations, promoting responsible waste disposal practices in the maritime sector.

The PortBin Seabed

PortBin seabed collects sunken waste in ports. 

Sustainable collecting waste on seafloor

The PortBin Robot

PortBin robot is a autonomus collector of floating waste.

PortBin robot is a cooperation between USN ( The University of SouthEast Norway) and SpillTech.

Sustainable and automated collecting of floating waste

Our innovations


PortBin robot - principle

PortBin robot - ignition cord - Bergen

PortBin seabed - principle

PortBin seabed - Status

Let's work together!

Contact us for finding you optial solution

Sustainable innovation is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. With growing concerns about climate change and environmental degradation, it is crucial that both companies and individuals take responsibility for developing solutions that are both innovative and sustainable. This means creating products and services that not only meet today's needs, but also take future generations into account.

An important part of sustainable innovation is to integrate environmentally friendly practices into all aspects of the business. We are strongly committed to using as much recycled plastic as possible.

Sustainable innovation is also about thinking anew. It is important to challenge traditional business models and find new ways to deliver value to customers. This may involve the development of sharing economy platforms, where resources are shared between users, or creating products that are designed to last longer and be easier to repair. Such approaches can not only reduce waste, but also strengthen customer loyalty and brand value.

In addition, collaboration is a key component of sustainable innovation. By working together with other actors, including research institutions, governments and civil society organisations, companies can develop more effective solutions and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future. This can also open up new markets and business opportunities.

Finally, it is important to remember that sustainable innovation is not just a trend, but a necessity. To ensure a viable future for our planet, we must all take part in this movement. By prioritizing sustainability in the innovation process
